Considering Levi will be 3 months old tomorrow(!) this post is long overdue, but better late then never right? Levi has grown so much and is really developing into his own little person. He has mastered the art of smiling and he is such a happy baby (well when he isn't hungry). I love his smiles, isn't that just the best baby milestone? He also has started to coo and that is also adorable. He is a great sleeper and has only been getting up about once a night ( at around 4 or 5 ) to eat, and sometimes he'll sleep through the whole night, such an improvement from those newborn days! Anyway at his 2 month appointment he weighed in at 10lbs 10oz so he is growing well. Levi is such a great addition to our family and we all adore him.
is he 3 months already!? wow. time flies.
He is soo handsome! His eyes are so piercing blue!! love it!!! :)
I love babies in onesies. He's so cute.
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