Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Dear PTO President at the kids school,
First off thank you for all you do, for all the countless hours you put into making our school a better place for our kids. I know that what you do is hard work, in fact I was in your shoes just last year. You are putting your whole heart into a mostly thankless job because you love your kids...and mine, and I think you are wonderful. That being said, do we really have to have a different fundraiser every other month? And if we must have them so often can the next one NOT involve smelly wax samples that have somehow ended up in the worst places like in my laundry, or smashed into my floor? Thanks!

Dear Kids,
I know that you think I am just being grumpy and mean when I tell you, you have to eat and drink in the kitchen, or that crayons and markers are only allowed in the kitchen. I know it is never YOU who spills on my carpet or colors on my walls, your siblings are totally naughty and giving you a bad rap. But here is the deal, your Dad and I have spent the entirety of our adult lives renting places to live from other people, so that means our walls are not OUR walls, and our carpet is not OUR carpet. And while your Dad and I hope to change our status as tenants to owners in the next little while, we aren't there yet and I REALLY would love to get my $900 deposit back on this place. So it would be WONDERFUL if you would cooperate and eat, color, and keep those dang smelly wax candle samples in the kitchen, OK? Thanks!

Dear Super Moms,
How do you do it? It seems like your house is always clean, your kids are always happy, you are always happy and calm, and you have everything so organized. I hate you, but I want to be you.

Dear Jared,
Thank you for all that you do, and thank you for being a Super Dad! Having you travel for work over the past couple of months has really made me realize how much you do and how much I take you for granted. You are the best and I love you!

1 comment:

zachley said...

You are so funny, love the letters they made me chuckle! Also, I think you're a super mom!